Christophers Lake 

Christopher's Lake
This mixed fishery lies just north of Chipping Sodbury
The club acquired the use of this lake in 2019 thanks to the kindness of the Hollister family. Approximately 1.5 acres in size, this lake boasts 23 pegs with features including weed beds, sunken islands, gulley's and overhanging trees.
The original stock of carp and Tench has had additional fish added by the club. Carp to 16lbTench to 6lbBream to 5lbChub,Ide and roach to over a 1lbWith plenty of small fish including crucian carp and Rudd.
All methods work well here with no 2 days ever being the same.
Please leave all gates as you find them as cattle are present from spring to autumn.   

Site Map

1, Red Dot = Singing in area 

2, Purple Dot = Designated fishing pegs

3, Yellow Dot = Hidden Islands 

4, Green Dot = Toilet

Location: from Chipping Sodbury head across the common (Horton Road) after the 2nd cattle grid at end of common take next left after the 2 houses on cattle grid Horton Road, Chipping Sodbury, BS37 6PN